Friday Favorites!

downtown lafayette sq

{A staple building in downtown Buffalo, Hotel Lafayette}

It’s been an eventful week compared to the last few. As I’m beginning to prep for my 30th birthday in a few short weeks, I’ve been consumed with so many ideas that this weekend is going to be about narrowing down what I really want and then putting the plan into action. Part of the weekend is also going to be me looking for an adventure or a new place to visit. It’s been a while since I’ve traveled and as much as I love Buffalo, everyone needs a little break now and then. Have a good weekend!

elephant glasses

{One of my favorite things at Polar Bites, the Elephant painted Wine and Martini Glasses}

Hydraulic hearth

{I finally visited Hydraulic Hearth for Brunch on Saturday - it was awesome!}


{I found this quote on Instagram and love it!}


{You can't beat a spongecandy stout beer at Resurgence}