#BuffaloLinks :: Yoga Edition

946344_583007775054546_2036451629_n[3] Bikram Yoga in Williamsville- classes are offered for all different levels.


One of the best yoga retreats in Buffalo - HEAL BFLO - click here for more information.


Healing Waters in East Aurora - a nice peaceful place for yoga and meditation - a place to go to get a way from the "hustle and bustle" of the city.


Power Yoga Buffalo - not only do the they two locations {one on Main St. in Snyder, the other in the Elmwood Village}. They also put on a number of classes at Canalside and Bidwell during the summer months.

YOU Are Beautiful

you are beautiful You are beautiful. That was the theme this past Saturday at HEAL BFLO’s event. {H.E.A.L standing for - Health, Energy, Art and Love}. The yoga retreat and wellness event was much different than other health and wellness events that take place. It was more intimate – offering an all-day yoga retreat for those who wanted to participate and on the other side a vendor based event open to the public featuring local boutiques and businesses.


heal bflo

While I didn’t attend the yoga retreat {looking back I wish I did}, when I walked into the Foundry you immediately felt a calmness and community bond at the event. Over 30 vendors participated and the venue was packed with positive energy.


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To learn more about HEAL BFLO and the ladies behind the event click here and here.


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Aficianado_Logo[1] Aficionado - a networking event taking place this Friday at the Lafayette Hotel from 6-9pm. It looks pretty neat, anyone else attending?


Heal Bflo - bringing the community together, local businesses together and creating a positive atmosphere.


Steak Stone and Sushi - a restaurant in Lockport, NY that I want to check out soon!


A new distillery that just opened and another new place to check out! Black Squirrel Distillery