Harlie Girl

{the real queen of the house}

Its been a while since I posted an update on my best friend little Miss Harlie girl. Harlie is now about a year and a half old and she is has gained a personality that is truly one of a kind. When she wants something she makes you know, when I have a busy work week she lets me know she isn't happy with me and when she's tired she nestles up next to me.

I'm looking forward to these warmer months when I can get her out of the house and take her on long walks to new places. Each day is a new adventure with her and with that my love for her grows stronger. It really is true, a dog is your best friend she knows when I'm sad and when I'm happy and she knows how to cheer me up. Below are some pictures of her over the last few weeks. Once of the best things as of recent is the ability for me to take her to work with me. Not only do I love it, but I think she enjoys all the attention from my co-workers.

Until next time.
