Buffalo Marathon

buf mar prep

{Buffalo Marathon prep}

Sunday morning 7,500+ people took to the streets of Buffalo to run either 26.2 or 13.1 miles. The course took you through all parts of town and the community came out to show their support. People lined the streets to cheer for loved ones and complete strangers. This was my second half marathon and my first time doing the Buffalo Marathon and doing it by myself. It was an experience and words honestly can't describe how I feel. The support and encouragement from complete strangers and the beautiful scenery I ran through makes me love this city even more. To everyone involved in the race, thank you for creating an event that I will always remember.


buf mar

{Lined up and ready for the start}

buffalo marathon

{Post race}

buf mar 1

{My number one fan - My Dad}

buf mar 2

{Mission accomplished!}